
Sunday, September 13, 2015

The Summer of No New Work and Upcoming Shows

This summer I have spent a great deal of time working in the new clay studio of the Palmer-Martin building at YVCC. I've also unpacked my office in the new building, planned a new (to me) Art History class beginning this fall quarter, and I took a throwing workshop in Montana. I also spent some time in Seattle at CORE Gallery and on Mercer Street taking down a show.
all this work, the only finished pieces are round and small
One thing I haven't done much of this summer is make any actual work, by which I mean sculpture. I haven't finished any new sculpture and it feels very strange not to have finished anything. Even writing on my blog has become more irregular because I don't have a lot of pretty studio pictures to share.
the functional work isn't bad, just less sculptural
I have glaze fired several times, but most of it has been functional work and functional work doesn't feel the same to me. It is a strange, strange feeling, coming into the new academic year without having made work over the summer. I was busy, I had a break from teaching, and I had a nice summer, but not the sort of summer I am used to.

one sculpture finished this year--it was formed about two years ago

Upcoming Shows
Though I also haven't applied for much this summer, I do have several upcoming shows, or opportunities to show my work.

Oak Hollow
I currently have work in the semi-permanent sales area at Oak Hollow Gallery in Yakima. This summer I added functional work to my offerings at Oak Hollow and I've sold more than usual. Either the utilitarian nature of the work or the low low price has been more attractive this summer.

Palmer-Martin Building at YVCC
Classes at YVCC start on September 21, and the art faculty have decided to fill some of our display space in the new building with a mini-faculty art show. We are hoping to get the work installed by the time other faculty are in the building for convocation events next week.

Seattle's Pioneer Square
In December, I will be part of the CORE Gallery Holiday show.

Windows Alive in Yakima
In Spring 2016, my work will be featured in the Yakima Arts Commission's Windows Alive program downtown. I don't have a lot of information about the dates, but I'll post them when I know more.

1 comment:

  1. I'm anxiously waiting to see what you have going for us in the fall quarter.


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