
Sunday, September 20, 2015

Faculty Exhibition at YVCC

Classes start Monday at YVCC. The art department still has space in two new classes, Ancient and Medieval Art History and History of Photography. You can check in with instructors on the first day if you are interested in these classes or any others. (Gold card students, if you'd like to audit a class, show up on the first day to check with the instructor, even though you can't enroll until Thursday).

the central display space in the middle of the hall

The faculty exhibition is mostly installed in Palmer Hall. Currently we have work from most of our faculty, including my sculpture, paintings by John Bissonette (who teaches drawing, painting and humanities classes), photographs by Jennifer Saracino (photography), and work by Justin Martin (design, drawing) and David Lynx (art appreciation, Asian art history, and photography). 

my sculpture and 2D work by Justin Martin

By the end of the week we hope to make space for some larger work by Timm Wauzynski who teaches art appreciation online.

work by David Lynx (photographed when I was in the building, not when the light was right)

This year we have also added a new adjunct art instructor, Robert Millard, who will teach art appreciation in the classroom. Robert, as an art historian, does not have work in our display.

work by John Bissonette

We plan to leave the work up through Fall quarter and switch it out for Winter quarter. Classes begin Monday and the building should be accessible for students, faculty/staff and the public to see the work during the day. You are welcome to see the public areas of the building during the day. If you'd like to see the clay studio, you may contact me to show you around. Please do not enter studios during class.

work by Jennifer Saracino

1 comment:

  1. great display areas... good for students to have inspiring examples at hand


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