
Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Some Wall Stuff

Last week was yet another short studio week. Monday and Tuesday were devoted to school supply accumulation and children's art projects since Yakima Public Schools didn't start until Wednesday but our summer child care ended the week before. I had a nice relaxing week with the kid, but I did finish a few small wall pieces, too.

Two small wall pieces. The one on the right is not quite finished.

Sometime in the next year and a half I will be installing a wall installation in a Seattle storefront. I don't yet know when the work will be installed or where, but I believe I have some time to get a few more pieces finished, glazed and fired.

A slightly larger wall installation piece before firing.

In February I will be showing work at CORE Gallery near Pioneer Square in Seattle. I will be one of two artists exhibiting in the gallery for the month. If room allows, and if the Storefronts exhibition is not concurrent, I may install work on the wall at CORE. I will also have one work on display throughout the year at CORE as a member of the gallery.

A smallish and simple wall piece before firing.

Now that September has arrived, my summer work time is winding down. I'm back to work in the middle of the month, so the next few weeks mean lots of under-glazing time for me in the studio. The challenge is to keep myself interested and focused. I'm not a big fan of under-glazing, so I have a of a tendency to become interested in folding laundry or cleaning my desk to avoid the equally boring task of applying repetitive layers of under-glaze. (I tend not get distracted like this when I am building work.)

Some pieces with the first layers of underglaze, in the kiln and ready to be fired.

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