
Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Finished Sculpture, 2 weeks left of radiation

new port-a-cath sculpture

This week I am continuing the countdown to the end of chemo (8 days) and the start of the second annual Labor Day Weekend Artist's Studio Tour in Yakima (9 days, but different ones). The studio tour, sponsored by Pamela Searcy's Artebella Gallerywill be at my home studio, as well as 5 other studios/houses and Oak Hollow Gallery, on September 3, 4, and 5. Saturday and Sunday the tour runs 10-4, Monday 10-12. Tickets are $10 per person and can be purchased at my studio on the day of the tour or ahead of time.

detail of another new(ish) port-a-cath sculpture

Since I last posted, a week ago, I've fired and unloaded two kilns. A low-fire kiln with cone 04 glazed sculpture and a cone 6 kiln with mostly plates and mugs (images coming soon). It feels like a got a lot done, but the hard work was glazing, not loading and firing. Yesterday I took photos of all the pieces and started preparing posts about the new work.

new-ish port-a-cath sculpture

I've been feeling an increased amount of fatigue from radiation. I've also been feeling foggy, like I can't think or remember as well as usual. I think this is also from the treatments. The result has been that I can do repetitive tasks like glazing and photographing, but I've got less stamina and motivation. I also feel like my writing or planning is not as sharp as usual.

the other side of the yellow one I was working on in April

Though I have 8 days of radiation left, I've got only three of the whole breast and lymph node radiation. Next Tuesday we start on the 5 day "boost" of radiation to the tumor bed. Yesterday the radiation techs drew on me for a while after my radiation treatment. This simulation or planning appointment was to get images and make plans for how and where the boost will be delivered. I am mostly looking forward to them laying off the upper chest and armpit area.

I finished building this one back in February!

My radiation appointment went long yesterday because of both reasonable and unreasonable issues. When I first got there, I was informed it would take an extra 6-10 minutes; apparently the ambulance was late bringing someone from the hospital for their appointment. Then they delayed again to recalibrate the machine (or something). Finally I had my radiation about 15-20 minutes late, followed by the extra time for planning/drawing on me.

another view of the same one  

As I was walking out of the radiation room, dizzy from fatigue or from holding my hands above my head for so long, the nurse who usually brings me to my doctor check in on Thursdays seemed to be motioning for me to get on the scale. Since it wasn't Thursday, I walked past her. She followed me to the changing room and informed me that it was "doctor day." I reminded her that "doctor day" for me is Thursday, so she checked with someone and then confirmed that it was my doctor day regardless.

and another view

I asked if they'd moved my appointment to coincide with the planning thing, since my doctor just came into the radiation room to approve the drawings on my breast. The nurse didn't seem to know, but she took my weight and walked me to an exam room where she took my temperature, blood pressure, and pulse, and explained that everyone doing radiation needed to see the doctor every 5 days. I allowed as how Thursday was less than five days ago, but she didn't seem impressed. This is my 6th week of radiation and I've had doctors meetings on Thursdays for the past 4 weeks, but what do I know?

poster for the Studio Tour

Next she asked after my young kids. I corrected her, realizing that she had no idea who I was, but still unsure whether that was because she was confused or because she thought I was someone else. She took paper notes on my vitals and the answers to the usual questions (are you in pain? fatigue? have you had a fall?), then asked for my full name and birth date. Then she stared at the screen, hmmmed a bit, repeated my full name and informed me that I was right: it was not "doctor day" for me. I'm glad they ask my name before radiation. I'm curious how that many clues (I told her radiation was running late, I told her I didn't have a doctor's meeting, I told her why, etc), didn't trigger her to confirm my identity sooner. As to why I didn't tell her my name right away, I don't know if that's the fatigue or I was convinced by her confidence.

postcard for the studio tour

Hopefully that's the last interesting thing to happen during radiation this year. If you are in the Yakima area, I hope to see you at my studio on Labor Day weekend. If I can find the energy and motivation, I'll post more on the new work before that day.

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