
Monday, August 9, 2021

Yakima Artists' Studio Tour on Labor Day Weekend

Covid Update: I plan to have my studio door and windows open (weather/smoke permitting) with the fan on to increase circulation. I will also have some work on display in the yard. I will be wearing a mask inside and request that visitors do the same. Thanks!

This Labor Day weekend, I will be participating in the first (hopefully annual) Yakima Artist's Studio Tour. This is a tour of working artist's studios in Yakima and this year features more than 20 artists at 7 studio locations, including my work at my (newly renovated) home studio.

The front of my postcard for the Tour. Let me know if you want a postcard reminder; I'm picking them up today.

This year's Tour is Saturday, September 4 and Sunday, September 5th from 10-4 with a bit of extra time Monday morning, September 6th from 10-12. Tickets can be purchased directly from artists or from Artebella Gallery and our other partners.  Please consider purchasing tickets from me directly, as I retain part of the ticket price to cover my advertising costs. To buy tickets, you can email me (, connect with me on Facebook, or stop by my house at 203 S. 8th Ave on the day of the event or before. You can also call 509 654 6487 to set up a time when I will be available.

The Tour booklet with a map of the studios on the tour.

Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for seniors and children and one ticket gets you admission to all 7 studios for the whole weekend. Proceeds from ticket sales go directly to the artists and show organizer to offset our advertising and printing costs. Our show organizer, Pamela Searcy of Artebella Gallery, has been working hard to get the word out about this event with posters, custom postcards for each studio, booklets featuring artist bios, maps, and pictures of featured artists.

Hopefully you've seen these posters up around town.

This Studio Tour is different from the Tour of Artist's Homes and Studios that Larson Gallery (used to?) put on annually in May. The Larson Gallery Tour in May opened up homes of artists and art collectors, which was fun, but was also a LOT of work for the artist to get their whole spaces clean, organized and secured. The Larson Tour was cancelled for COVID for the past two years. Based on information on their website about the Fresh Art Art Celebration, it sounds like they may be replacing their Home Tour with the Fresh Air Art Celebration in coming years.

My page in the Tour Booklet.

This Labor Day Weekend Studio Tour is focused only on artists, not collectors and those artists' working studio. Some artists are also inviting other artists to exhibit in their spaces. I am not inviting other artists, this year at least, because I have plenty of work to fill my own space and also because I didn't want to give myself extra organizational and physical work for this tour.

back of my post-card

I want to start getting the word out about this event, which is less than a month a way. I also want to try to squeeze in some studio time. I haven't had a chance to make more face/scream mugs this summer, but I'm still hoping to do that this month sometime (fingers crossed).

Please let me know if you're interested in purchasing tickets to this tour, or just stop by my studio on Labor Day weekend!

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