
Friday, November 15, 2013

Post-break: Underglazing Marathon Begins

Last week I wasn't in my studio at all. Instead I flew to New Hampshire to visit my brother, his wife and their new son. It was a lovely trip and I did nothing related to my studio work. It was a good break, though I feel a little guilty just admitting that I didn't work while away. We went to help with the baby and babies generally don't like their caretakers' attention divided.

stack of fired work waiting to be underglazes

I love my new nephew and it was great to see my brother and sister-in-law for more than a few days. It also made me think about how much more flexible my work time is as a mother of a school-age child than as the mother of an infant.

first layer of underglaze read for the second firing

This week I am back to work in the studio to begin the long process of applying underglaze layers on my pieces. I have a few pieces left to bisque fire from the week before we left. I don't anticipate having time this year (2013) to build any more work.

underglaze bottles brushes and sponges are replacing sprigs, plastic and bits of dried clay as the detritus of my work space

I didn't quite have time to finish the last few pieces I was building in October. My daughter got sick right before we left, which curtailed my last day and half of building time. I wrapped the work up tightly before our trip, but I may never finish those pieces. Glazing is now the priority; that and responding to a few show related e-mails and doing some writing for my sabbatical.

pencil marks on the second layer of red underglaze remind me I have one more layer to add before firing

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