
Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Split Canvas, Mini-Sculpture Project and Bulbs

You can tell it's been a rough week when your chair breaks. Apparently director's chairs are not designed to be used as leverage for photographing work from above.

I finally finished up firing (most) of my work from last Spring's Daily Mini Sculpture Project. Making the work is a lot more fun than is glazing and firing the work. The pieces are so small that I had several shelves with a couple dozen pieces on each level. Most of the pieces had to be stilted because they were glazed all around with no specific foot or base.


pitcher plant

flossers pressed into wet clay

eating a book?

I've also been firing and under-glazing my bulbs for next year's installation. I have fired most of the 3 or so I worked on a few weeks ago. I've under-glazed about half of these.

bulbs after firing (top left has been partially under-glazed

first layer of under-glaze fired on bulbs

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