
Monday, January 16, 2012

Independent Study Student Blogs Winter 2012

This quarter I have again asked my ART 299 students to create a blog to track their plans, progress and thought about their studio work this quarter.

Students are maintaining their blogs as a part of the requirements for the class. I am sure they would appreciate thoughts, questions and other feedback from their studio mates in beginning and intermediate wheel and hand-building classes.

To access these student's blogs, click the links below or on the right side of my main page. To comment you will likely need to sign in with a Google account (or similar) but I don't believe you will need to join Blogger. Some students also have e-mail addresses linked to their websites or if you see them in the studio, be sure to ask questions or talk to them about clay.

Two throwing students will be continuing to post on blogs they started last quarter:

DJ's Blog

Les's Blog

Mike will be continuing to blog about his hand-building and drum making but at a different address:

Mike's Blog

And we have one new (to ART 299)  throwing student joining us in Independent Study this quarter:

Amanda's Blog

Also, don't forget that I have posted links to videos and clay related posts on the "Quick Links for Clay Classes" page above.

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