
Saturday, April 29, 2023

Student Exhibition 2023 Opening Tuesday

DoVA post card featuring student work 

Yesterday the YVC art and photography faculty got together at Larson Gallery to choose award winners for this years student exhibition, which opens Tuesday, May 2, with a reception from 5-7pm.

Back of the postcard

Choosing awards is always a blast. It’s great fun to see the work we’ve seen in the classroom on display in the gallery and to see the work of our colleagues’ students. This year we awarded over $500 in awards, including best of show. President Kaminski chose the winner for her sponsored award and Tuesday student government is coming to choose their awards.

Work in progress by Amy Matson

Of course each of the faculty like to brag on their own students, and it’s fun when we share students, too. I always love to talk up my clay students, here on the blog and in person and I think this show has some particularly impressive sculpture and pottery, much of which I’ve shared here before (but none of which I remembered to photograph on Friday).

Close up texture of Gicelle Hernandez’s in the gallery (for your scavenger hunt on Tuesday)

This year is my first fully participating in an in-person show in the new gallery. Last year the show was in the new Larson Gallery, but I was on medical leave for most of the year. This year most of the classes were back on campus and we were delighted to have a larger space in which to share more work!

Work in process by Rubi Leyva

The show features pottery and ceramic sculpture from my beginning, intermediate and advanced students, and one student from last spring’s clay classes with Jeff Kent. There’s also photographs, scan-o-grams, and digital art from students in Chris Otten’s photography and digital art classes, drawings from Kayo Nakamura and Monika Lemmon’s drawing classes (and my design class), as well as paintings, woodblock and monotype prints from Kayo’s printmaking and painting classes.

Duck by Carlos Garcia Alcantar

The exhibition opens Tuesday, May 2 with a reception from 5-7. Award winners will be announced during the reception. We hope to have a big crowd of artists, students, family, friends, and others from the YVC and Yakima community. The gallery is always free and open to the public and during the reception there will also be snacks.

Kahula, in a kiln, by Yarelli Sanchez

The show will remain up (with artworks for purchase) through the May 27. Larson Gallery is on the new West side of campus, on the southwest corner of 16th Ave and Nob Hill Boulevard, behind Taco Bell. The Gallery is open Tuesday - Friday 10-5 and Saturdays 12-5. Admission is always free and the Yakima Vintner’s tasting room is conveniently located next door and features award winning YVC wines, as well as food and non-alcoholic beverages as well. We hope to see you there!

Nearly half the art department, during the Yakima Artists Studio Tour in September

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