
Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Last Week to See: DoVA Student Exhibition 2022

Medusa by Evelyn Ayala-Frutos (President's Award)

This week is your last opportunity to see the YVC Department of Visual Arts Student and Faculty Exhibition at Larson Gallery.

Ake's by Liliana Morales (Best of Show)

The exhibition is up through Saturday, May 28. Larson Gallery is open 10-5 during the week and 1-5 on Saturday. 

detail of how the cups sit in the saucer for Ake's

The exhibition features work by students in clay, photography, drawing, and painting classes in Spring 2019 through Winter 2022.  

Small Coils by Emily Chaidez

The work in this show is especially impressive given the unusual conditions when much of it was made. The earliest work dates back before the pandemic, as we were collecting work to show in Spring 2020, but that show was canceled at the last minute. Some of those students and the online students from Spring 2020-Spring 2021 showed their work in an online DoVA show last spring.

Leatherface bust by Elizabeth Harris

Students in online classes during the pandemic also had the opportunity to show their work in this show. Most of the work is from students who took classes at least partly on campus this Fall and Winter. These students were dealing with classes taught on campus but with 3' social distancing and masking. Most of these classes were also hybrid, meaning part of the class was online and part was on-campus.

Melted Candle by Garret Duffield 

To make things extra interesting, we have more faculty than usual represented in this show. I taught in Fall, but Jeff Kent took over for me in Winter while I was on medical leave.

Teapot and teacups by Adriana Barcenas

Also in Winter 2022, our drawing and painting instructor, John Bissonette accepted a new position out of state, so H.R. Emi taught on-campus painting classes for us. 

Still life by Helina Hahn (honorable mention)

Our drawing and design instructor, Meghan Flynn also accepted a position out of state. Both Meghan and John taught online this year (but somehow got left off the program for the show).

Sick Dog by Savannah Ross (honorable mention)

In fact, Chris Otten, our photography instructor was the only full time instructor who is still teaching full time for us from Yakima at the end of the year. 

Raku Vase by Elizabeth Ortega

I plan to be back in Fall and we've hired a new drawing, painting, and printmaking instructor, Kayo Nakamura who will start in Fall.

Dragon Portrait by Elizabeth Ortega (Janice Buckler Memorial Award for Clay)

Despite the pandemic and faculty switcheroos, the show is impressive (and that's not just me saying that, YVC President Linda Kaminski has said that on at least two occassions, once to me at the opening reception and again later at the Board of Trustees meeting).

Abstract Roses by Savannah Ross (ASYVC Purchase Award)

Though this is the first fully in-gallery DoVA show in the new Larson Gallery, which is quite a bit larger than the old gallery, the student work still manages to fill the space nicely.

Oil Castle by Leah Kuhlmann

There is lots to see and some work to purchase, though the ASYVC student government was generous with their purchase awards, choosing 8 individual pieces to join their permanent collection.

Untitled by Ashley Boroff

In this post, I've highlighted lots of pottery. Students whose work is represented took Functional Pottery from me or from Jeff Kent, Hand-building from me or from Jeff, or Intro to Clay from me. 

Penguin Christmas by Bianca Evangelista

There are also two works by community helper "students" Les Delzer and Betty Thurman (who is also our hourly employee in the studio). 

Lamp by Les Delzer, mugs and vase by Noah Fleek

Both Betty and Les were invaluable to both me and to Jeff in keeping the studio running smoothly during the early days of my cancer diagnosis and during the sudden transition from me to Jeff during winter quarter.

Blue pottery set by Betty Thurman

Jeff only agreed to take over the clay classes about a week before they started in January and only got access to the studio and the online components of the class after that. Luckilly he had taught before, though not online, so he was able to take over without much prep time.

Lovers Teac Set by Julia Lara

Admission to Larson Gallery is free, so stop by this week before the show ends. While you are on campus, you can also stop by the Yakima Valley Middle Schools Art Exhibit at the old Larson Gallery (Larson Gallery Workshop). 

Elephant by Crystal Preciado and Garden Tea Set by Kyree Wright

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