
Monday, July 8, 2019

Little "Tree" Library Gets a New Sign & Press

New Homemade Sign

A couple of weeks ago, after our grand opening party, we finally got the second sign made for our Little "Tree" Library. The rest of the library and the sign on the street side was complete when I wrote this extensive post about the process on June 15, and the sign might even have been started, but we hadn't yet attached it at that point.

Our library with the sign in place.

My husband did 99% of all the work on the whole tree and library, but I made the sign. I'm pretty happy about how it turned out. I used a Dremel and a pneumatic vibro etcher to create the letters, which are etched or engraved into the wood. 

Little "Tree" Library
Take a Book     Return a Book  

I printed the text and taped the paper to the wood before beginning to outline the letters. The process wasn't particularly difficult, but it took a while, probably because I was using fairly small tools. After carving, I added some paint into the depressions and wiped it away on the raised surface just like I do with the second layer of underglaze color on my ceramic sculpture

the article and our (big) picture in the paper

Local Newspaper (Yakima Herald) Article

We also got some press on our Little "Tree" Library. Last week the Yakima Herald Republic ran an article about the library. Though I was out of town last week, a number of people have mentioned the article to me and I've received 5 copies of the paper (or that section of it) from friends and neighbors. I can tell that new books have been added and others removed and my daughter, our librarian, even found a card to us from another little free library owner in Yakima, welcoming us to the little free library community.

three of our five copies of the newspaper

Little Free Library Article

The Little Free Library website also included our library in an article/post on their website. The article is "11 Epic Little Free Libraries Carved from Trees", though I would argue that only 10 are actually libraries carved from trees (one is a library next to some tree stump seats).

The empty library with the door open and light on in the evening

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