
Sunday, February 18, 2018

Preparing for NCECA

This weekend I had planned to work hard on preparing for my NCECA presentations. As it is a long weekend, I figured I could get some work done. Instead, I couldn't focus on much beyond cleaning on Saturday, then spent Saturday evening and Sunday helping to fix the furnace and the hot water heater, which both seemed to react poorly to the wind or maybe the long weekend.

I also had to do more intensive parenting than on most weekends. 

Preparing for the Blinc 20/20 presentation isn't all that exciting from the outside, especially since most of what I'm doing is just adjusting the size and order of images in a Powerpoint. It is essential, but dull as all get out. Somehow I found cleaning my studio more interesting than this. Must. Keep. Working.

one of my new installation shots of a "Protest Bulb"

Earlier this year I realized that if I'm going to be presenting at NCECA, I should probably be prepared with an updated website and business cards. If I'm going to be networking and meeting folks, I'd rather they be able to see up to date images and information.

business card front

The business cards I redid and had printed in January. I kept a similar format to the last time I updated them in 2011. Last time I redid them, I opened the box and immediately realized I had forgotten to include my blog. I added a sticker with the blog URL to the back of most of the cards. I did a better job this time. Hopefully this time it won't take me seven years to go through the stack I ordered. 

business card back

I started updated my website today, too, even though that's not what I should be doing (since the the presentation is due soon, but the website just needs to be updated by March). I was happy to discover that I had updated a lot of it within the past year. For example, the name of the school where I teach was accurate on most of the pages, but I also had a CV from 2014. I've now got a list and will work on updating it bit by bit over the next month or so.

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