
Saturday, July 23, 2016

Small Sculptures This Week

small wall sculpture with gears
This week I worked mostly on some small sculptures and some important but boring steps for my Art on the Wall piece.

end of same wall sculpture
I threw some pieces at the start of the week and the throwing went ok, though I was using recycled clay and my broken stool. I've ordered a new base for my stool and I was hoping to get it before I was ready to throw, but they didn't actually ship it until I called Thursday to ask about it.

wiggly rim form for Art on the Wall (with stamen-like addition)

I have been thinking about using concave (bowl) shapes with wiggly rims in several ways on my sculptures this summer. I have some in the works for Art on the Wall. This week I decided to try some as surface decorations of another form.

adding half-bowl forms to surface

I cut the wiggly rimmed shapes in half and attached them to the side of a form. The piece isn't quite finished and will have some non-ceramic stamen-like pieces coming out from the wiggly rim pieces, but I'm not as excited about this particular piece as I might have been.

half-bowl decorated form (maybe I needed more half-bowls)

Part of the reason I started small pieces this week was to take care of some partial pieces that have been sitting in the studio for a long time. My husband built a metal piece for me to use quite a while ago and this week I started building a form for this piece. 

top form and base for my husband's metal assemblage

The nice thing about working at a small scale is that it gives me an opportunity to work quickly through a few ideas. Some of the pieces I made this week will also serve as replacements for my wall installation which has had some turnover since it was on display in Seattle last year.

a third, incomplete wall sculpture

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