
Sunday, November 1, 2015

Glazing & Firing for Holiday Show

I'm firing a kiln today. This is noteworthy because the last time I fired was in early August and because I didn't get much studio work completed this summer.

cone 6 work waiting for glaze

I still have a shelf full of cone 6 functional work that needs to be glazed, but I did get most of the cone 04 functional work glazed and in the kiln today. I am taking work to Oak Hollow for the holiday show and the deadline is next weekend, so it was now or never on these pieces.

todays glazing project, mostly with pink cone 04 glaze on top of the color

I figure I used today's extra hour of daylight savings time to get this work done. Since glazing and loading was a last-minute decision, I ended up glazing on the floor rather than cleaning off my tables. I spent a few hours this morning slip trailing and decorating my pieces. Later my daughter joined me and glazed a couple of her pieces, too.

today's glazing setup on the floor in my studio

What is pictured here on my floor is almost everything that fit in the kiln. My kiln is fairly small and I realized today that I need more short stilts. I usually fire sculpture, so I only fit a few pieces in at once. I don't use a lot of stilts. This load was all cups, bowls and plates. As I was loading plates today, I realized I have only four short stilts. Unfortunately those four short stilts come in three different sizes, making the short loads especially tricky.

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