
Tuesday, June 23, 2015

First Week of Summer Work

Last week I spent some time in the studio, as well as some time at school. I finished a few things, including a window box for some tools. I usually set jars of tools on the window sill behind my work table, but they tend to get top heavy and tip over. This box should be sturdy enough to stay put and narrow enough to fit well on the sill.

box in progress
I made it with red clay slabs. It isn't very exciting, but it's functional. I painted orange slip on the surface and carved it with small loop tools.

finished box drying on the window sill

I'm letting it dry slowly so that it doesn't cracks. I have some other work in the kiln today, for my first summer firing. I made two of these pieces during the spring, one at the Tour of Artists' Homes and Studios, the other while working a shift at CORE Gallery. These sculptures I kept intentionally small because I had to travel with them while they were wet.

pieces in progress at the Tour and CORE

I finished three more sculptures this week in my studio. I kept them intentionally simple so I could get them fired quickly. For two of them, I skipped the bike parts, the other is intended to have just one bike part, as well as some small pieces that will be adjustable. 

sketch of bike piece, adjustable elements, and bike part piece in progress

One of these pieces is in the kiln today. The others are still drying. I hope to start working with the adjustable parts this week and check for fit on the bike part once the pieces are out of the kiln.

three pieces I made last week, drying

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