
Monday, May 25, 2015

Making Work in CORE Gallery

This weekend was my shift at CORE Gallery. It is a nice show, featuring bright shiny and paintings by Kalindi Thompson and a large installation by Aaliyah Gupta. The work of both artists benefits from an up-close look. The show is open through the end of May. I walked around the neighborhood before my shift and I think the highlights were a print show by Jacob Lawrence at Davidson Galleries and a ceramic show, but I've forgotten where the ceramic work was.

my work in Seattle (very temporarily)

In the past I've brought reading for my six hour shift in Seattle. This time I brought reading and some clay so I could get a head start on my summer studio time. It's the end of spring quarter, the time when, every year, I get anxious to get in the clay studio at home and I also start to worry about getting enough work done in the too-short summer.

reading material and my work in the gallery

Last weekend I brought some clay to the Tour of Artists' Homes and Studios and finished building one small sculpture and a planter. This week I built a second small sculpture and some small planter pieces.


This time I stopped by Seattle Pottery on the way to the gallery to replenish my clay stocks, but somehow I managed to forget most of my tools, including my cup of slip. I ended up roughing in my form fairly loosely with the tools I did bring. It worked just fine, especially since I then put the wet sculpture in the car and drove over the pass to get home.

sprigs added to my sculpture

I did remember some sprigs. When I got home I needed to repair a few parts of the sculpture, but not too bad. I also worked on the texture behind the sprigs.

adding texture at home with this broken tool

My home studio is pretty messy right now, and when school is over in 3 weeks, I'll have to clean it before I can get much work done, but at least I've got a head start on some building before then.

mostly finished piece (at home)

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