
Sunday, April 12, 2015

Weekend Trimming and Planting

This weekend I didn't have to go to Seattle for the first time in three weeks, so I got some garden planning and planting started and I did a little bit of studio work done. 

plates just off the wheel

I threw some plates last weekend after I got home from Seattle. I trimmed them during the week and loaded them in a kiln this weekend. It isn't quite full so I'll probably fire it next weekend.

lidded piece and plate (on a terrible homemade bat)

This afternoon my husband was painting the back wall of the studio with a spray gun. He needed my help to periodically fill the spray gun container, so I brought some clay out and make a quick planter shape. We planted part of our garden this weekend, but I wanted another large planter. I figured it would be cheaper and easier for me to make one than to buy one.

my studio
I used some Arleo Sculpture clay from Clay Art Center. This was the first time I'd used the clay and I love this one. It feels just like my raku/sculpture body from school. It is fast and workable, but the surface stays pretty rough, which means it might not be the best choice for my sculpture. My daughter came out to work with me but she didn't like the clay. She said it was too hard, but I'm guessing she meant rough.

my daughter pointing out a flaw in my interior surface

We ended up spending a nice afternoon in the yard together, though our activities were a little unconventional. 

paint, clay and a clump of dandelions my daughter wanted me to put in the clay

I didn't want to spend much time on the pot, so I coil-built it fast and pressed some acorns around the rim for decoration. I want to keep the pot outside in the garden area, so I probably won't do a lot as far as glaze decoration.

The pot mostly done. It probably took an hour to build if you count the interruption to go get more paint from the store.

1 comment:

  1. a nice even coiled pot... should look good in the garden and what good use of your time... I like the acorn decoration. I've been making planter pots too but on the wheel.


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