
Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Central Washington Artist's Exhibition 2014

This weekend is the opening reception for the Central Washington Artists' Exhibition at Larson Gallery. I have two pieces in the show, both created during my sabbatical last fall. I had a sneak peek at the work on Friday, when I delivered my pieces at the last possible moment, and there's some interesting stuff this year. There's always good eats at the reception, too.

"Scylla Bionica" & "Charybdis Bionica" (work created during my sabbatical)

Come join me for the reception at Larson Gallery on the YVCC Campus (corner of Nob Hill Boulevard and 16th Ave) from 3-5pm on Saturday, November 1, 2014.

Update: You can also see my work (the second set of work featured) on this video from KVEW TV.

Update #2: I just got the call that I've won an award in the show. I guess I'll know what it is at about 4pm.

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