
Sunday, September 28, 2014

First Week of Classes

This week got away from me. It was the first week of classes at YVCC, but it somehow managed to feel like the first month. One of the dubious advantages of taking over as head of the art program is that there are lots of little things that need attention and this year they come to me. None of these things are particularly difficult, but we had some issues this week with keys and classrooms and textbooks. Most of the minor issues were addressed this week and things are going well. I'm not complaining, but it was interesting to see how all these little issues managed to eat up the time available.
New art building (Palmer Martin Replacement) on Nob Hill Avenue

This quarter my schedule is such that I have three classes (six hours of class) on Mondays and Wednesdays and only one 50-minute class on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Naively I thought that I might clean that pesky office on Tuesday, or at least on Thursday. I did a lot of useful things on Tuesday and Thursday but cleaning my office wasn't one of them. I did, however, manage to move a stack of Art Appreciation textbooks off of my desk and onto my shelf late Thursday afternoon.

The sign of a strong art program?
The YVCC art program is in a wonderful position this quarter of having three new faculty teaching six or seven of our classes (or twelve if you count right). I am happy to have new faculty and these folks seem to have the energy and the enthusiasm to make the classes enjoyable and challenging. Good classes, by extension make for a strong and energetic program. A side effect of new faculty with enthusiasm is that things are getting done and the faculty need some help with some of the paperwork and with navigating the system. I am happy to do this, but its also a bit exhausting.

Art club president, Shannon Hoptowit, guest and local artist, Leo Adams, me (club advisor) and art club founder, Mike Hiler
Already, at the end of week one I have people working on new curriculum for digital photography classes and printmaking classes. Next week we hope to start reforming the YVCC Art Club for the new year. Last year our art club was active, bringing in guest artists, visiting galleries and art programs nearby and helping out at Larson Gallery and in the local schools. Quite a few of the art club members graduated and transferred at the end of last year, so we have lots of room for new folks to get involved.

kids' projects from clay/art visit to a local elementary school

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