
Thursday, July 10, 2014

Tieton's 10x 10 x10 exhibiton

Last week I brought a piece to Tieton for the 10 x 10 x 10 exhibition. This is an international juried exhibition of small works. I've been in the exhibition several times. The show features works in all media, so long as they are each smaller than 10" in any dimension. 

"Aoi Cephalotini" 2013

The exhibition opens August 11 and runs through October 9 in the Mighty Tieton Warehouse gallery in Tieton, Washington.

"Aoi Cephalotini" on the wall at Esvelt Gallery

I also picked up a piece from the Membership Show at Larson Gallery which ended last week and I just received a package with a piece that was in a bike theshow in New Hampshire.

"Nepentha Prosthesia" 2014 (back from Larson Gallery) and "Oranji Gears" 2013 (back from New Hampshire)

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