
Friday, May 9, 2014

DoVA Student Exhibition

This week was the opening of the YVCC Department of Visual Arts Student and Faculty Exhibition. I finished matting work last Friday, since a few pieces took a mysteriously long time to arrive at our building. Unfortunately we had picked most of the awards Thursday, as Friday was a faculty holiday and the gallery isn't open on Mondays.

matting work on Friday
Tuesday's reception was well attended by students and the usual Larson Gallery folks. Several of us brought our evening classes over, including my Intro to Clay class, the Painting class (and their visiting artist) and an English class.

Best of Show: "Crack Up!" by Kimberly Klepach and "Bold Cookie Jar" by Timer Nite Harrison-O'dell

This was my first exhibition as program head and my first time doing the awards solo. Quite a few of the award winners were present for the reception and it was nice to see them receive their awards.

untitled vessels by Lydia Gallegos
Teacup by Torri Creasy

It was also nice to introduce students to people who liked their work, particularly people who might buy it or people who might be able to show their work in the future.

Blue Bowl (AFT Award Winner) by Janice Buckler

This year's show is pretty full. I think we have over 200 pieces in the show, significantly more than previous years. The gallery put up the temporary walls in the middle of the space, as well as clusters of pedestals in the front of the gallery and at several places along the walls.

Pottery display at Student Exhibition 2014

Green Jade teaset by Kimberly Diaz (top) and Mrs. Potts and Chip by Danae Holzer
There were three four winners from my clay classes. DoVA gave a beginning and an advanced clay award and the YVCC Faculty Union gave one of its awards to a clay piece. A Larson Gallery honorable mention also went to a clay piece.

Planter by Shannon Hoptowit (award winner) and pottery display

I had a few Design students who showed work in this year's show as well, but I only taught one Design course this year. I also only taught two quarters of clay this year, as I was on sabbatical in the fall.

Another Brick on the Wall Sarai Ochoa
wall display featuring photo, drawing and design work by various students
wall display featuring drawing and design work by various students
wall display featuring drawing and design work by various students

The exhibition is open now through May 31, 2014. Larson Gallery is open Tuesday - Friday from 10am-5pm and Saturday from 1-5pm. Admission is free and the public (including children and families) are welcome. 

YVCC student government purchase award winning diptych by Lilian Strong 
It is a student and faculty show, so I've got some work there, too!

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