
Sunday, January 26, 2014

Upcoming Exhibition: Monika Lemmon & Jacob Commodore at Oak Hollow Gallery

Last spring my home and studio were featured on the Larson Gallery's Tour of Artists' Homes and Studios. I also featured work by Monika Lemmon at my home. Her paintings are beautiful and surreal, very interesting stuff. 

one of Monika Lemmon's paintings from the Tour of Artists' Homes and Studios

Starting this week her new work will be featured at Oak Hollow Gallery in Yakima. Her work will be sharing the gallery with ceramics by Jacob Commodore. The show runs from January 28 to April 5, 2014 with a reception on February 8 from 2-4pm. 

I haven't seen much of Monika's most recent work as she's now in graduate school in Idaho. She has worked in a wide variety of media. I love her paintings and have the privilege of living with one of them at my home since the Tour last spring.

the Monika Lemmon painting in my living room

My current and upcoming shows:

My show, Biomorph is up for another two weeks at Esvelt Gallery in Pasco. The show's last day is February 6. The gallery is open Monday - Thursday from 8am - 8:30pm and Friday from 8am - noon. Admission to the gallery is free.
gallery view of "Biomorph"

In April I will be bringing much of sculpture from Biomorph and my sabbatical to Oak Hollow Gallery for a local exhibition. I will not be hanging the wall installations, however, so you'll have to get to Pasco in the next two weeks to see them.

"Biomorph" sculptures

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