
Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Packing the Car for Biomorph

Biomorph is still up at Esvelt Gallery in Pasco. Hours are are M-Th 8am - 8:30 pm and Friday 8am - noon. The show continues through February 6, 2014.

Packing the car to drive my work down to Biomorph in Pasco was a bit of a challenge. Most of the ceramic-only pieces and all the wall-installation pieces were able to be boxed up in little more than three Sterilite bins and two laundry baskets. The rest of the work was "loose packed" in the seats. 

work packed into the back seat for transport
I've always heard this method called "loose packing" but the goal with fragile ceramic sculpture is not really to be loose. I don't want to allow for any movement in the car. Some pieces had their bases boxed for stability, all were wrapped in bubble wrap, towels or blankets and most had boxes, pillows, foam, and/or other materials keeping them from rocking forward or sideways in the car. On the backseat I laid down some boards so the flat bottomed pieces weren't stressed by leaning in the contoured seat.

The bike fork pieces were so tall, I had to angle them to get through the doorway.
I usually strap my pieces in with seat belts but with the boards on the seat, I couldn't reach the belts. In the front I belted in the front two and hoped nothing would set off the airbag on the top of the piece packed on the floor. (Honestly, if I had gotten into a crash bad enough to set off the airbags, the show would have been over.)

two pieces belted into the passenger seat
Loading the car was like playing Tetris. I am sharing the pictures here, but I took them so I could repack the car the same way on the way home. Usually taking down a show is faster, but I had all night and a room full of packing supplies to choose from when packing the car before the show. On the way back I will have to be more efficient.

three pieces in the passenger seat and floor

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