
Thursday, November 7, 2013


Though it is always a bit sad to stop building, there is one form I'm ready to be done with for a while. I made just over 100 bulb forms this summer and fall (and last summer). They are taking over the studio in at least 4 boxes and stacks around the studio. Of course 100 bulbs built does required 100 bulbs to be glazed, ah well. 
a tumble stack of bulbs ready to glaze
another tumble stack
As I've mentioned before, I experimented with mixed media in a few of the bulbs. Some are made of only clay, others have non-ceramic materials to be added after firing. For a few I included metal or glass before and during firing.

glass and bolts before firing

glass and bolts after firing

Eventually the bulbs will be hung in a grid on the wall. I have an old iteration of this on my wall at home. Anyone who came for the Tour of Artists' Homes and Studios would have seen the smaller installation on the way into my studio from the house.

bisque fired bulbs from summer
partially glazed bulbs from early summer

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