
Friday, June 14, 2013

Parker Award

It's Friday afternoon and my grades are in, so I must be on sabbatical. Too bad I need to go back in next week to order clay. I just couldn't get my head around the idea of doing something else productive today. Mostly I just couldn't concentrate in my office. By next week I'll get a get a new audiobook so I can clean my office and place a materials order for the studio. Both are mind-numbing activities that will be more pleasant with a different soundtrack.

Last night was graduation (which kinda makes grading the next day seem pointless). 

photo by David Lynx

I received the Sherrie and Daryl Parker Award. Earlier this year my clay students wrote letters (or maybe they wrote one letter together) to nominate me for the award. Last night was the presentation of this and other faculty and staff awards.

The box was really huge and I was concerned that something was trying to escape.

Apparently the box was huge because the award was huge.

And shiny. It's really hard to photograph transparent glass in a messy house.

There was a nice biography about me in the graduation program. I took a photo but one can actually read it here.

At commencement I tried to thank my students for nominating me for the award but I was distracted by how strange the speaker for the microphone sounded in the stadium. It was also disorienting not to be able to see anything because the setting sun shone right in my eyes. I tried anyway.

I feel pretty flattered getting the award. It's nice to have recognition and kinda fun having everyone congratulate me all day. When I first heard about the award I was especially impressed that my students were motivated enough to write nominating letters. Besides all that, the award isn't just an impressive shiny trophy, but there is also some award money. So, should I spend it on a kiln or a vacation?

Well, I'm off to relax at the beginning of my almost-sabbatical summer, though tomorrow I will interrupt my relaxation for a short time to teach a clay class at Larson Gallery. In case you love clay, live near Yakima and don't already have plans, it appears we still have some space in the class. We will be making and decorating working clay bells. The class is listed for parents and kids, but apparently anyone is welcome to join us, with a kid or not. The class is at 1pm tomorrow in Larson Gallery. You can register today before 5 or just show up tomorrow.

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