
Saturday, February 2, 2013

Throwing Lessons

Tonight The Seasons Performance Hall in Yakima is hosting Light Night, a fundraiser for Larson Gallery and The Seasons.

Besides the lighted hair show and music performances and the light themed art show and the fire dancers, there will be quite a few items auctioned off at the event. Some of the items are jewelry, tickets to other events and experiences and artworks.

I have been asked to donate a private throwing lesson for the auction. I think there is some demand for private lessons, but I don't know if this demand is attached to a willingness to pay for a private lesson. Of course students always sign up for my throwing classes at YVCC. I have had several requests to give private lessons, but the only request that has turned into a private lesson was a request from my mother.

I love teaching pottery at YVCC and I enjoyed teaching my mother to throw. It will be interesting to see how a private lesson compares with teaching my mother or a class full of students. The lesson will probably be at my home studio, unless the person who purchases the lesson owns their own wheel. It will also matter whether the person wants to just dabble in pottery or really wants to learn how to throw regularly. My mother took to throwing more quickly than the average student. I often find that students who have been around clay or even other art media have an easier time learning the throwing basics.

Knowing the audience that is likely to attend Light Night it may be that my private lesson student is familiar with art and even owns his or her own wheel. Just yesterday I answered a question for a fellow Yakima artist about her kiln elements and in the last week I heard of two people who were asking about private lessons.

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