
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

More show stuff: Yakima River Diaries pictures and upcoming CVG show

Yakima River Diaries
This weekend I made it up to "Yakima River Diaries" to take some good pictures. 

Each artist in the show has a section in the gallery, most divided by temporary walls. The three walls make my area immersive for the viewer, but make it hard to take a photo that shows all three walls and the visual relationships between each work.

My concept for the show is that the wall pieces form a flow or movement from one wall to the other to reference the flow of the river. I also wanted the work on the pedestals to continue the sense of movement off the walls and around the space.

The standing sculptures in this show include work from my summer bike part project as well as work I finished this year after winter break and right before classes started. I also had some older work among the pieces. 

Collective Visions Gallery
This coming weekend I will be going to Bremerton for the opening reception of the CVG 2013 show at Collective Visions Gallery. The show opens Saturday at 5pm with a reception that costs $10 for the public. The show is up through February 23 and there is People's Choice voting through February 2.

The Juror is Alfredo Arreguin, a really excellent Washington artist so I am looking forward to hearing his juror's lecture on Saturday.

my work at CVG 2013 (also from the summer bike part project)

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