
Saturday, September 15, 2012

SRAM penultimate post?

All I do now is epoxy. Somehow attaching 25 bike parts for each sculpture doesn't seem like that much. Attaching 75 parts starts to sound like a lot, but many of these pieces have to be attached to two or more ceramic parts. The epoxy takes ~24 hours to fully cure, so I've also spent a lot of time waiting for it to dry and taking pictures. The epoxy is actually pretty stiff after only a few hours, but I don't really want to test the limits and risk disaster.

The gear part sculpture is pretty far along, but I am waffling as to attaching the base to the top section. I added the base to up the quantity of bike parts, but I am thinking of keeping the two parts separate. I had originally intended to add more bike parts to the very top section of the gear sculpture, but if I don't use it for the SRAM pART project, I don't need to have as many pieces and I might skip these attachments.
gear SRAM sculpture without the top part
mostly complete top of gear sculpture
upside down base of gear sculpture
right side up base of gear sculpture. wooden sticks and baby food jar lid are temporary spacers.
clay ends being epoxied to bike parts
testing attachments for gear sculpture base

The third bike part sculpture is posing more problems, one of which is that I seem to have counted wrong. The current set-up only seems to have 24 bike parts included. I'm not sure what I missed or how I counted incorrectly. This piece would have been unwieldy to ship and was unlikely to go to New York anyway.

first bike parts attached to top of sculpture

bike parts attached near sprigs made from said bike parts
first thrown form decoration attached to bike part attached to base
painters tape to hold bike parts in place as epoxy dries
base of sculpture after tape removed. More bike parts will be attached and more thrown forms

First SRAM Sculpture
The first sculpture is, ironically, the one I will probably ship to the show in New York. It is small, compact and It appears that I will easily reach 25 parts. Currently 15 bike parts are attached to the main form, five more are attached to another part that will be attached soon. Five more will be attached soon and I have five more optional pieces I might attach. I also created a base to help keep the form stable. The base has four more bike parts attached to it.

form with drying epoxy
some epoxy has dried and tape has been removed. Red form will be attached but it currently balanced in place with at tape roll and towel

two of three wings or stamens attached to clay form which will attach to another bike part on the form

base with bike parts taped in place

I hope (and plan) to have the pieces finished by Monday and final pictures up after that.

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