
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Daily Mini Sculpture Project:

Made some more stuff; took some more pictures on blue.

Used a roller tool from MKM

Inspiration hint was to go for a walk and use the materials I found there. The yellow is something we actually found at the park we walked to, but it looks like my stuff. My piece on the right was made using sticks and pieces of bark my daughter brought to me. I paddled it into shape with a big stick and then poked bark in for texture. The texture changes because my daughter kept taking away my bark piece and giving me a different one. The spikes are scored on with a little stick and I even used a tiny stick to poke an air hole. All Natural!

I have absolutely no idea what this was about. Really, no idea.

Inspiration hint: use a stapler. Um, yeah, so this form is based on a red swingline stapler... can you tell?

sprig from the sprig drawer

the layered pieces are from some rubber leaf mats I bought an NCECA this year.

Yesterday's inspiration hint was to use paper. The original hint said use paper but no scissors, no drawing, no tape. Instead I made papers (below) out of clay.

"paper" I did write on in it with pen--like you do with paper

Nom, nom, egg eats paper. Or paper hatches...

leg hatching

tomorrow's hint?

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