
Sunday, February 26, 2012

Upcoming & Current Shows & Events

Current Shows

Today I just dropped off a piece at Gallery One in Ellensburg for one of their three ceramic shows put on in conjunction with the NCECA conference in Seattle. The exhibits at Gallery One open March 2 (this Friday) from 5-7pm. The show continues through April 2. 

My installation and other work at "From the Ground Up" in Larson Gallery remains up through March 31.

I also still have a few pieces at Oak Hollow Gallery. A group of my work will be featured in a show at Oak Hollow Gallery in April with Jack Roberts.

Coming up this Week & this Month
I also want to remind people of a few events coming up this week and this month.

March 3, 2012: Raku Firing
 Raku Firing demonstration outside the clay studio in Palmer Hall from ~9am - ~1pm. 
Students from the YVCC clay classes will be firing their work in our raku kiln Saturday morning, weather permitting. The raku firing process is a fast firing that should take about an hour for the first round and about 30 minutes for subsequent firings. After work is heated to ~1700 degrees Fahrenheit, the work is removed from the kiln and placed in a bucket of combustible materials. The public is invited to attend this firing as part of the clay-centric events of the "From the Ground Up" exhibition at Larson Gallery. 
The firing will be cancelled if Saturday is a burn ban day.

March 10, 2012: Clay Artists Panel & Discussion
  Clay Artists Panel Discussion at Larson Gallery from 1-3pm.
Panel discussion and slide presentation featuring clay artists Renee Adams, Rachel Dorn, Carolyn Nelson, Greg Pierce and Stephen Robison in the Larson Gallery. Moderated by Cheryl Hahn, director of Larson Gallery.

March 31, 2012: Bus Tour
  Bus trip to Seattle/ Bellevue leaving Larson Gallery at 7am, returning 7pm.
Travel to Seattle to see "Push Play," the 2012 NCECA Invitational at the Bellevue Arts Museum and Li Chen "Eternity and Commoner" at the Frye Art Museum.

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