
Thursday, January 26, 2012

Still Here

I've got a couple of posts in the works, but they are a little too link- and photo-heavy for me to finish today. This week has been a bit hectic as we try to catch up after our two surprise snow days last week.

The pink on the corner is not my hand; It was snowing heavily, so to protect my new camera, I covered it with a baby blanket, but it was hard to see if I had it up above the view of the camera--and editing photos is not an appropriate use of my time right now.

While I finish a post about my busy studio and another about the upcoming clay events in Yakima, check out what my Art Appreciation students are watching this week. We're talking about the formal art elements of time and motion, so we watched part of the Andy Goldsworthy film, Rivers & Tides. I highly recommend watching the whole thing. I think you can rent it from Netflix.

A few months ago, someone on Facebook shared this video about Theo Jansen's kinetic sculpture. I thought it was perfect way to explain or show kinetic sculpture, since we can't always guarantee that the students will see kinetic sculpture in person during the class. (We had some great kinetic sculpture made of metal and stone by James Lapp in Larson Gallery a few years ago and Renee Adams had some kinetic sculptures made from polymer clay in the Central Washington Artists Exhibition this year.)

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