
Clay Studio / Classroom Projects

This page contains direct links to blog posts that relate to teaching pottery and hand-building classes.

Flipped Classes

Student Projects using the 3D Printer (March 2018) 

Yakima Herald article on flipped classes (mine and others)

Videos for Flipped Hand-building Classes (January 2018)

Flipped Class Format & Results (December 2017)


Student Solid Portraits (January 2018)

sculpture by Autumn Nugent (2018)

Building Solid for Flipped Class Videos (December 2017)

Student Sculpture from Winter 2017 (March 2017)

Studio, Equipment, Exhibitions and Events

Studio Photo Setup (June 2018)

3D Clay Printer: First Weeks (November 2018)

DoVA Student and Faculty Exhibition 2017 (May 2017)

Raku Firing in the New Studio Space (March 2017)

Kids, Outreach, Events

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